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Roots & Wings Tutoring

Progressive Education uncovering self-esteem and reigitining a love for learning through holistic teaching.

Progressive Education uncovering self-esteem and reigitining a love for learning through holistic teaching.
Olly the Owl & Fitz the Fox: Self-Regulation

Olly the Owl & Fitz the Fox: Self-Regulation

This innovative worksheet is designed for educators to guide children through the “Take 5” method for self-regulation, a simple yet effective technique that teaches students how to manage their emotions and physical responses in various situations. The goal is to empower children to recognize their own “brain engine” speeds and to understand how to adjust these speeds using personalized “Take 5” strategies. Objectives: Understanding Self-Regulation: Introduce the concept of self-regulation and its importance in daily life, emphasizing how it helps us manage our emotions and actions. Learning the Take 5 Method: Teach children the “Take 5” method as a tool for self-regulation, involving five simple steps or actions that can help them return to a state of calm and focus. Identifying Personal Responses: Encourage children to explore and identify their own unique responses to stress or excitement and what strategies work best for them to slow down or speed up their “brain engine.” Creating Personalized Take 5 Plans: Guide students in creating their own “Take 5” plans, tailored to their individual needs and preferences for self-regulation.
Self-regultion & Self esteem

Self-regultion & Self esteem

6 Resources
Unlock the full potential of young minds with our exclusive Comprehensive Personal Development Bundle. This specially curated collection is designed to guide children through the foundational aspects of personal growth and emotional intelligence. It’s an invaluable resource for parents, educators, and caregivers looking to nurture well-rounded, confident, and emotionally aware individuals.
Special Skills

Special Skills

This engaging worksheet is designed to help students explore and appreciate the diverse talents and abilities within their own families, using the ‘Smarts’ wheel as a reference. The ‘Smarts’ wheel is inspired by the theory of multiple intelligences, which suggests that there are many different kinds of intelligence or “smarts,” such as linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist intelligences. By recognizing these varied forms of intelligence, the worksheet encourages students to see the unique strengths and skills of each family member.